Spring Folk Herbalism Series

with Radical Plant Folk

Join us for a 4 week practical folk herbalism series, connecting to the plants of Spring and making remedies for your home apothecary.

About the course:

Dates: Sunday March 30th, Sunday April 13th, Sunday April 27th, Sunday May 4th

Time: 10-1pm

Green shoots push through dark damp earth, sweet sap flows through wooden bodies, buds break open in vernal ecstasy as blossoms paint the landscape Lilac purple and Hawthorn pink. Here amongst the earthly beings waking from winter’s slumber we welcome Spring.

Join us from between the Spring Equinox to Beltane for a 4 week folk herbalism series. Beginning with Birch and ending with Hawthorn, we will journey with the plants of spring, taste and sip on their shoots and young leaves and delve into their folklore and mystery. By paying attention to the changing elements and their shapeshifting energetics, we will craft seasonal folk remedies together that will support our wellbeing through this unfolding season. Alongside crafting a home apothecary together, we will delve deep into spring herbalism, vernal folk stories from around the world and weave our own spells, drawings and plant presses into a spring herbarium.

Sessions will be led by community herbal educator and Radical Plant Folk co-founder Mariam Mohamed. 

Sessions will include getting to know and meeting different spring herbs in and around the garden, tea ceremonies, learning how to sustainably harvest and identify the plants, learning to make a range of spring remedies to take home, readings and space for discussion and sharing.  

The course will take place outside at our community herb garden at School Farm, Dartington. We will spend a lot of time outdoors amongst the plants and the elements. We have basic outdoor sheltered spaces to keep us dry, including an outdoor kitchen/workshop space where we will be doing a lot of making and a sheltered fire area. 

Topics include: 

Spring energetics

Plant identification

Sustainable foraging and the honourable harvest

Practical medicine making: tea blends, infused vinegars, infused oils, flower essences, herbal bath blends, food as medicine

Traditional herbal practices

Intuitive and sensory plant connection practices

Spring plantlore

Plant dreamwork and journaling 

Course Outline:

Below gives a brief idea of what we will delve into each week

Week One: Spring energetics / Birch Plant Mythos and tea ceremony/ Awakening from winter’s slumber/ Spring cleansing herbs

  • Observing patterns and elements in nature and how that corresponds to our internal bodies

  • Rising saps, birch as symbol for new beginnings

  • Birch tea ceremony and opening circle

  • Purification/cleansing folk medicine practices and making: herbal baths, spiritual baths, smoke medicine and incense, spring cleanses and rituals

  • Starting a herbarium

  • Plant walk 

Week Two: Green Vitality/ Wild Weeds / Tending to our inner waters/ Tea medicine

  • Tending to our lymphatic system with spring herbs and traditional practices 

  • Tea medicine: making nourishing mineral rich herbal infusions

  • Mystery plant tea ceremony 

  • Crafting a spring tonic and herbal body oil 

Week Three: Food as Medicine / Reawakening our digestive fire 

  • Cooking with wild greens and incorporating bitters into our diets

  • Supporting our digestion with spring herbs 

  • Exploring traditional spring kitchen recipes

  • Shared lunch

Week Four: Flowers, fire and desire, Hawthorn magic and the story of Beltane 

  • Hawthorn flower tea ceremony and mythos

  • Beltane stories and plantlore

  • Introducing the rose plant family and their flowers

  • Story medicine and crafting a flower essence 

  • Beltane closing circle

Cost and booking:

Cost (including all materials):

Sliding scale: £140-180

Pay it forward: £180  (for those on full time reasonably paid work or have reasonable savings, may own home or property, can afford luxuries and travelling. This ticket price will support those who cannot afford the standard price)  

Standard: £160

Supported tier: £140

A £50 deposit is required to secure your booking. 

Payment plans are available please get in touch. 

1 bursary place is available for those unwaged/refugees and asylum seekers

The course fee is non-refundable. 

To book please email: hello@radicalplantfolk.com

Radical Plant Folk is a social enterprise, as such money raised from our workshops and courses goes back into our community garden and wellbeing work.

Disclaimer: Any information on plant medicine, scientific or traditional, is not intended to be medical advice. The intention of this course is to share what the plants have to offer, and how they have been used throughout time, supporting your connection to the natural world. I am not a medical professional. It is important that you always consult your doctor or other qualified medical practitioner before taking any treatments or supplements. It is important that your medical practitioner is aware of your medical conditions as well as any medications, supplements, wild foods and medicines (including herbal/plant based) you are taking.

Please understand that Radical Plant Folk is not liable for any direct or indirect, incidental or consequential damages to health and wellbeing which may result from information shared about plant medicines on our workshops or courses.